January 29, 2021
6 CPE Credits Available
GASB Update
9:10 am
Dean Mead, Senior Research Manager, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
This session covers the most recent GASB pronouncements and projects, including guidance related to the pandemic; leases, P3s, and cloud computing; Section 457 plans; and proposals on the financial reporting model and revenue and expense recognition.
Federal Legislative Update
11:10 am
Emily Brock, Director, Federal Liaison Center, GFOA
This session will examine what the fourth year of President Trump’s administration and the 117th Congress brings, as well as updates from the Internal Revenue Service and tax legislation.
State Legislative Update
1:00 pm
Kevin Kinnally, Legislative Director, MACo
Angelica Bailey, Government Relations Director, Maryland Municipal League
This session will examine what the seventh year of Governor Hogan’s administration and what the 2021 Maryland General Assembly holds for government finance officers. This session will also provide an update on legislation that was passed based on the Kirwan Commission’s recommendations and how the scheduled implementation will be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaker Bios
CARES Compliance Update and Strengthening Internal Controls in an Era of Increased Remote Work
2:05 pm
Sean Walker, Principal, Clifton Larson Allen, LLP
In October, MDGFOA attendees received preliminary guidance on what local government representatives can expect when preparing their annual CAFRs and single audits with respect to CARES funding. This session will provide an update on the most recent guidance that has been issued by the federal government. In addition, this session will touch on how state and local governments can strengthen their internal controls in a time where many employees are working remotely.
Economic Update
3:10 pm
Anirban Basu, Chairman & CEO
Sage Policy Group, Inc.
This session will examine the state of the national and state economies and what impact the COVID-19 pandemic will have on the prospects for economic growth. Forecasts for job creation, inflation, and other key economic indicators will be discussed.
Agenda at a Glance
9:00 am- Welcome
9:10 am- Session I
10:50 am- Break
11:10 am- Session II
12:00 - Lunch Break
1:00 pm- Session III
1:50 pm- Break
2:05 pm- Session IV
2:55 pm- Break
3:10 pm- Session V
Registration Fees
MDGFOA Member: $60.00
Non-Member: $75.00
Registration Assistance
Should you have any issues with our online registration portal for the 2019 Winter Conference, please contact us at mdgfoa@mdgfoa.org and we will assist you immediately.