Let's Get Down To Business

MDGFOA Partners offering supplement educational resources for your growth

Current Partner Postings

GFOA is bringing in-person training to the Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. in January 2024. Enhance your skills by attending one or more of the following courses:


Accounting Academy, January 23-26

Accountants and auditors new to the public sector must immediately confront the daunting challenge of familiarizing themselves with the highly specialized rules, guidelines, and practices applicable to state and local governments. This intensive four-day workshop, designed for individuals with at least a basic knowledge of private-sector accounting, combines lecture, discussion, and exercises to assist newcomers in making this difficult but essential transition.


Register at https://www.gfoa.org/events/aboot0124


Revenue Policies, January 23

When focusing on a budget for a thriving community, we often prioritize expenditures, considering the local government's goals and spending. However, the revenue side is equally crucial for a strong financial foundation. Join this course to learn how to assess your local government's revenue using the Financial Foundations Framework's five pillars.


Register at https://www.gfoa.org/events/rp0124


Role of the Finance Officer in the Budget Process, January 24-25

The budget process goes beyond balancing revenues and expenses; it involves crucial decisions on addressing community issues, determining optimal revenue sources, and allocating funds to programs. This decision-making is complex, involving group dynamics, time constraints, uncertainty, and human biases. Join this course to acquire skills as a "decision architect" and enhance your organization's budget decision-making environment.


Register at https://www.gfoa.org/events/rfob0124


Overview of Grants Management, January 24-25


Grants present chances for local governments to tackle unmet community needs, yet they carry challenges and risks. This course guides you through the grant lifecycle, offering insights to create effective policies and procedures. Learn strategies for grant identification and stay informed on the latest federal funding opportunities.

Register at https://www.gfoa.org/events/ogm0124


For additional details and hotel booking information, visit https://www.gfoa.org/washington-0124-location.

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