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MDGFOA Statement on Safety Protocols for 2022 Winter Conference

(as of 12/07/2021)

Maryland GFOA is committed to the health and safety of our community, members, and staff, as well as following the direction and guidelines of our state and federal intuitions. Great care is being taken as we prepare for the 2021 Fall Conference to provide a safe, professional education environment for our attendees and sponsors.

We are monitoring all guidance related to COVID-19 and are taking precautionary measures to keep our attendees safe. We will work with the venue to increase sanitation and social distancing, in accordance with local requirements and CDC coronavirus recommendations for large gatherings.

The following safety measures will be in effect for our 2022 Winter Conference at the BWI Marriott, Linthicum, MD – these protocols are subject to change based on updates to local laws or coronavirus safety guidelines, in which case, MD GFOA will notify all participants.

MD GFOA In-Person Conference Safety Protocol

While the Maryland Government Finance Officers Association is taking measures to create a safe educational environment to allow you to voluntarily participate in our in-person conference, our protocols require participants to adhere to all recommendations and requirements implemented by state and local governments.

To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the CDC and Maryland Department of Health recommend the use of face coverings for unvaccinated people in indoor public settings to the extent possible, continued social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings if you are unvaccinated or have been exposed to COVID-19.

If you are fully vaccinated, to maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.

Maryland has many high transmission areas; at our events we recommend participants:

- MDGFOA strongly recommends that attendees wear masks indoors (regardless of vaccination status) in accordance with current CDC guidelines to maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others. At this time, local guidelines do not require the wearing of masks indoors, but MDGFOA complies with all public health entities in recognizing that mask-wearing is effective in reducing exposure and risk. We strongly recommend and encourage mask-wearing indoors while not actively eating or drinking.

- Only registered participants (attendees, exhibitors, speakers/moderators) and venue staff will be allowed in education rooms or networking areas.

Social distancing in all areas of the venue is encouraged and recommended – room and space layouts will be optimized to facilitate distancing.

- Diligent hand hygiene is strongly recommended – hand sanitizer stations will be placed throughout the venue and MDGFOA ask that participants avoid handshakes and any physical touch.

- Our existing refund policy will remain in place, allowing attendees to credit registration fees towards a future event or have a colleague attend in their place. No fees will be refunded back to participants.

The Office of Governor Larry Hogan

Executive Orders

The Office of Governor Larry Hogan

Coronavirus Information


March 16, 2020
Press Release