Intermediate Governmental Accounting Seminar
The MDGFOA Intermediate Governmental Accounting Seminar is a benefit of membership. Enjoy discounted registration for being an active member!
The next IGAS will be a virtual event taking place on three separate days in May 2025: Monday, May 5th; Thursday, May 15th; and a half day on Monday, May 19th.
Who Should Attend
Mid-level finance officers, accountants, independent auditors, and other persons with basic knowledge of accounting
Seminar Description
This 2 1/2 day seminar will provide the participant with a working knowledge of the special financial reporting model used by the state and local governments under Governmental Accounting Standards Board's Statement No. 34, Basic Financial Statements- and Management's Discussion and Analysis- for State and Local Governments.
20 CPE's
Blue Book: MDGFOA DOES NOT PROVIDE BLUE BOOKS, however they are not required for this course.
You may purchase your Blue Book online from GFOA US & Canada
MDGFOA Government Employed Members: $200.00
MDGFOA Associate Members: $400.00
Government Employed Non-Members: $240.00
Associate Non-Members: $500.00
IGAS Refund Policy
IGAS Fees are not refundable after 7 days prior to the Seminar date. You may transfer your paid registration to an attendee within your organization. Seminar fees will not be carried over to any other Seminars or Conferences. All outstanding balances are to be paid regardless of your attendance if you did not cancel via email or phone 7 days prior to the Seminar. No attendee shall be permitted to register for a seminar or conference with an outstanding balance due from prior seminars or conference attendance. We do not refund fees based upon cancellation of speakers or adjustments to the agenda.
Day One
Basic background
Accounting, financial reporting & financial statement audit overview
Government Environment & impact on accounting & financial reporting
Sources of Governmental GAAP
Governmental financial reporting model
Funds, fund types & interfund activity
Government-wide financial reporting
Primary Government and its component units
Basic recognition principles
Measurement focus & basis of accounting
Categories of transactions & events & their recognition
Fund Accounting & the basic financial statements
Governmental funds
Revenue Recognition in Governmental funds
Expenditure Recognition in Governmental funds
Other financing sources & uses
Asset & liability recognition in Governmental funds
Governmental fund financial statements
Proprietary Funds
Proprietary funds
Day Two
Proprietary Funds
Proprietary fund financial statements
Fiduciary Fund Accounting
Fiduciary funds
Fiduciary Fund Financial Statements
Government-wide financial statements
Converting and consolidating fund data
Government-wide financial statements
Specialized Accounting applications
Detailed note disclosures & standards
Pension benefits, other post-employment benefits (OPED) & termination benefits
Budgetary integration
Fair value investments
Capital assets
Derivative instruments
Environmental obligations
Risk financing & insurance
Other specialized applications
Day Three
Other disclosures
Summary of significant accounting policies
Detailed note disclosures
Reporting Beyond the Basic financial statement
Required Supplementary Information (RSI)
Other RSI
Structure, contents of the ACFR
Supplementary budgetary reporting within the ACFR
Statistical section
Other Topics/Government Types
Pension & OPEB plan reporting
Public entity risk pools
School districts
States, investment pools, special purpose governments
Popular financial reporting
Additional Discussion Topics
Internal control, auditing & analysis
Internal control
The comprehensive framework of internal control
Monitoring and the periodic evaluation of internal control
Auditing and analysis
The financial statement
The single audit
Internal auditing & performance auditing
Financial statement analysis