Diane Fox, MDGFOA President

It is an honor to assume the role of President of MDGFOA. When I started serving on the Board, it was obvious how much both the Board and our members cared about this association. It will be a privilege to help guide MDGFOA over the next year.

I’d like to thank Immediate Past President Stephen McGibbon for his dedicated service to MDGFOA as President for this past year, as well as his earlier service as an Officer and Board member. Thanks to my fellow Officers and Board members for their unwavering support for the association. I would also like to thank the membership for their confidence in me and in the other Officers and Board members.

I’d like to recognize those who work tirelessly on behalf of the association whether on the Board, in an affinity group or on a committee. These devoted individuals are the backbone of MDGFOA. I encourage every member to think about serving the association in some way. MDGFOA is your association and can only continue to fulfill its purpose through the dedication of its members. Do not hesitate to reach out to your Executive Committee or Board members to explore how you can contribute.

I also want to give recognition and thanks to our sponsors who are invaluable supporters of MDGFOA. Thanks also to Barcami Lane, our association management team, for their work throughout the year. Finally, I want to thank my employer, Frederick County, for its commitment to MDGFOA and allowing me to devote the time needed to serve in the upcoming year.

As changes such as artificial intelligence shape our future, MDGFOA will continue to be a vital resource to state
and local governments. The association will work to provide guidance on new and relevant topics at our quarterly and annual conferences so our members can be prepared to move through a changing world with confidence and the knowledge that MDGFOA is here to help.

I look forward to working with all of you over the coming year.

All the best,
Diane Fox, CPA
Director of Treasury
Frederick County, MD